A Weekend in Montargis

Thursday, 13 August 2015

I do love a good weekend getaway, and August is the best month for it, especially if you're one of the last souls who has been left behind in the city, while what seems like every last Parisian has deserted the capital in search of sun, sand and sea.. Luckily my friend Meg invited us (along with a few other friends), to her boyfriend's parents' ridiculously beautiful, film set-worthy house in Montargis. Although the weather didn't quite play fair and it remained cloudy most of Saturday, it didn't stop us frolicking in a sunflower field, picking fruit and vegetables from the amazing garden (serious life goals right there), BBQ-ing, eating outside and generally enjoying a couple of days of not breathing in Paris' car fumes or other ripe, unpleasant smells that emanate from the streets in summer - dubbed by many as 'eau de Paris'. Having felt lethargic as of late, it was the perfect weekend away to rejuvenate, enjoy nature and leave my cares behind for a couple of days. 


  1. Oh my goodness, I just loved this post!! Those photos are spectacular and capture the feeling of summer and long, lazy meals with friends so perfectly. xxx

    1. Thank you so much Miranda! Really glad you like the photos :) I hope you're enjoying your summer! xxx

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Maggie! Hope you're having a lovely summer! xx

  3. Marissa doll, you've captured this place beautifully. All of the apples certainly made for such a delicious homemade tart! Loved having you spend the weekend with us. Looking forward to future barbecues!!
    xx meg

    1. Thanks so much sweetie - and thanks again for the invitation, it was really lovely xxx

  4. Sounds and looks so gorgeous! Ok I have to ask -- how did you get that overhead shot without ANY distortion?? Were you standing on the roof?? A ladder? Whatever your secret is the result is out of this world. Brava!

    1. Thanks so much for your comment Jessica. And in answer to your question: standing on a chair and a steady hand! Really glad you like it! Hope you're having a lovely summer xx


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