Le Marché des Enfants Rouges

Monday, 2 June 2014

I love living in le Marais as I'm right around the corner from so many lovely places and le Marché des Enfants Rouges is one of them. It's the oldest undercover market in Paris, dating back to the 1600s. Besides the staple market finds (flowers, fruit, veg, fish, bread, cheese) there are also a plethora of stalls serving up all kinds of street food. My favourite is the moroccan, where you can pick up a terracotta plate of lamb tagine for €10. I had a friend visiting on Friday from London so we popped in for lunch and ordered said tagine. After we wandered around oogling the rich colours of the fruit and veg. 


  1. These are amazing pictures. I just got back from Paris two weeks ago and its all i can think about. The Marais is always spectacular.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I love living in le Marais - so many beautiful places right on my doorstep!

  2. looks great...gorgeous photos -- peonies are clearly very popular in Paris

  3. I love this market and these are beautiful photos of its produce. I've heard the place used to be an orphanage...

    1. Thanks Kalen! It's a beautiful market. It was right near an old orphanage and is name after the children. They used wear red at the orphanage - a type of uniform I guess!


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