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Monday, 9 September 2013

This is a bit like a 'back to school' post, which is exactly how I'm feeling on this ridiculously dreary rainy Parisian Monday. I thought it also apt considering I've had a rather looonnng hiatus from blogging to concentrate on my day job at Art Wednesday, and to generally take stock of everything I'm doing and trying to do. Art Wednesday has just gone e-commerce and so I've been busy setting up features, studio visits and interviews with sellers and London Fashion Week is fast-approaching.

I've also just come back from Portugal, which was a working holiday if you will, meaning working in the morning, then enjoying the Portuguese sun and sea in the afternoon. So I'm suffering not only from feeling like I've gone back to school after the summer, but those niggling Monday and post-holiday blues, which always seem to snap at your heels if the weather is particularly bad. Onwards and upwards, this week I'll be popping up photos of my time in Portugal - cue further wallowing. But seriously, hope you all had great summers, and are fully back in the swing of things.

I thought this photo that I took in Porto of the coolest bike parking I've ever seen, was fitting for today's post.

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