Turning 30

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Image credit: Apple Spice Cake and Salted Caramel Frosting from the beautiful food blog Adventures in Cooking
Well, the day is finally here. I'm proud to say that I've made it to thirty - the day I've been dreading since I turned 25, but funnily enough been looking forward to since I hit 29. 29 is a very strange year - it's a year spent teetering on the edge between your (mainly irresponsible, floundering around in the dark) twenties trying to figure things out and a new (hopefully) more mature and confident decade. And now that it's finally here, I don't feel so different - I kept hoping that I would suddenly blossom into a swan and wake up with perfect vision for example, but alas I still need to wear contacts. Instead I may just start doing things a little differently, such as (and I've been saying this for years) cutting down on my alcohol intake on the weekends - a tricky task in a city obsessed with wine - and drinking instead more water, which I've always found very hard indeed.

Anyway there's a lot I'd like to achieve in the next few years (learning fluent or at least conversational French for starters, being one of them) so here's hoping for a very happy and successful new decade.

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